Front-End Developer

Based in Seoul

Key Expertise

  • 3 years of experience in Angular, Typescript, RXJS, Canvas, SVG.
  • Deep development understanding
  • Collaborated with product team members to implement new features and performance enhancement development.
  • Bilingual. Able, to read English written articles and documentation, to communicate with various of developers from different countries.
  • Able to grasp new concepts quickly and efficiently.


User-centered design is my passion.

I believe that collaborative friendly work is the only way to make the best product.

I Always Find A Way. example,

  • Is too much Canvas process going on at the main thread? Use OffscreenCanvas.
  • The client wants Polygon coordinates to be ordered in clockwise order? Use Shoelace formula to tell if a Polygon is created in clockwise order or vise versa.
  • and so on…

The key question I always ask is ‘why?’ and ‘how?’. example,

  • Drastic Angular major versioning(1.x → 2) was announced. Why? Angular Js had a performance issue with data flow and thus lead the Angular team from Google to launch the Angular 2 version.
  • Why did Angular JS have a performance issue? Angular JS change detection, as opposed to Angular 2, propagated to the parent component, and that lead to perform as many cycles as needed to have a stabilized components tree.
  • How did Angular 2 solve that issue? Angular 2 separates updating the application model and reflecting the state of the model in the view into two distinct phases.
  • and so on…

Thus I like to face and solve challenges.

Tools Github for Version Control System, Asana for project management, Upsource for code review and pull request, Sentry for application monitoring and error tracking, Zeplin for design collaboration tool, Jenkins for Continous Integration.

Work History

Sep 2017- November 2020

Front-End Developer @ AIMMO, Elentec Building 9F, Pangyoro 228 17, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea

  • Developed highly-functioning Web-based Box, Polygon, Landmark, Polyline, Pose Annotation tool, Semantic Segmentation tool, and Object Tracking tool.
  • Optimized performance by running a heavy calculation process on a background thread using Web Worker. Estimated time of loading over 800 annotations initially improved about 90%
  • Considers scalable and reusable architecture.
  • Developed Crowd-based Annotation Platform Website.
  • Developed Image crawling Chrome-Extension for internal use.

I’m available for interesting projects.